When needed, our prosthodontist can provide treatment for impacted teeth in Overland Park, Kansas. Please contact Reconstructive and Implant Dental Center at 913-534-8801 today to learn more and to schedule a visit with Dr. EDward M. Amet.
The Piezosurgery® Dental unit is designed for a wide variety of applications, including sinus lift procedures, extractions, bone block harvesting, bone graft harvesting, bone contouring, endodontic surgery, orthodontic micro surgery, ridge expansion, crown lengthening, periodontal therapy, implant site preparation and tori removal.
The Piezosurgery Dental unit uses high-frequency ultrasonic vibrations (24.7-29.5 kHz) to cut osseous tissue while safely avoiding damage to soft tissues. Sterile irrigating fluids are delivered through either a sterile fluid bag or bottle. All parts of the unit through which fluids flow, including the handpiece cords and handpiece, are sterilizable. This allows delivery of sterile irrigation while eliminating labor-intensive manual irrigation procedures.
The Piezosurgery Dental unit has one handpiece attachment. The unit is operated using an interactive keyboard with a digital display and multiple programmable settings. A foot pedal control is also available. The settings include four different power level options based on bone quality. Electrical requirements are 110VAC 10%, 60 Hz.
Case 1: Piezosurgery® – Horizontally Impacted First Molars

Case 2: Piezosurgery – Vertically & Horizontally Impacted Third Molars