Immediate treatment is important to manage an unscheduled patient aesthetic crisis following an anterior tooth, crown, or prosthesis loss. The immediate management of the anterior aesthetic crisis allows for definitive treatment at a separate appointment. Following initial aesthetic management, the hopeless tooth or teeth can be replaced with definitive implant prosthetic treatment a short time later on an appointment basis.
Most aesthetic anterior tooth replacement is done with a delayed surgical implant protocol. This delay can result in loss of both soft and hard oral tissues during the healing period, necessitating soft tissue and bone augmentation procedures, including surgical bone expansion, guided tissue strengthening, bone block grafting procedures or a combination. These losses often can be avoided at the time of tooth removal with immediate implant replacement.
This article demonstrates a technique for management of a patient’s unscheduled prosthesis loss with traditional dental treatment (recementation of the old prosthesis) and then at a separate appointment, definitive treatment using immediate implant replacement with grafting for the extracted teeth. The article further describes the diagnostic and radiographic planning for immediate implant replacement with necessary bone expansion and grafting requirements, the fixed screw retained provisional restoration which stabilizes the implants following extractions and facilitates ease of removal for treatment, and lastly the final prosthodontic restoration of the missing teeth, restoring the aesthetics of the affected area.
If you would like to know more about teeth in a day after a tooth, crown, or prosthesis loss, please contact Reconstructive and Implant Dental Center at 913-534-8801 today for more information and to set up a visit with our prosthodontist, Dr. EDward M. Amet in Overland Park, Kansas.